Jasmine Tridevil is 21 years old and so incredibly disillusioned with dating that she never wants to do it again. Her solution to this was to spend $20,000 to add a third breast, complete with nipple and tattooed areola (eww). Her reason: “I got it because I wanted to make myself unattractive to men, because I don’t want to date anymore.”

That “reason” is just so ridiculous that I really don’t feel like spending a lot of time on it. Because seriously? If you can’t think of any way to stop dating besides disfiguring yourself, then you’ve got bigger problems than I am qualified to even remotely understand.

Jasmine Tridevil and Her Tri-Breasted Chest (Image courtesy of Facebook)

Jasmine Tridevil and Her Tri-Breasted Chest (Image courtesy of Facebook)

I find it interesting that there is no documented evidence to support the existence of this extra breast. The doctor who did this conveniently required an NDA so that his/her identity could never be revealed. All of the photos of this phenomenon are all taken by Jasmine herself and originate from her Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Supposedly there is a camera crew following her around all the time, but no one has published any shots of that freakish chest except for her. Even during an interview, when she had the opportunity to finally show those triplets in all their glory, she claimed she couldn’t give a sneak peek of what would be in episode six of her reality show.

She is a tease. She’s leading the public along, dangling a carrot that may or may not turn out to be real.

But people are writing about it. Heck, I am writing about it.

Because, let’s face it, there really are thousands of people who would tune in for a reality show just to see if she’s faking or not. That is really, unfortunately, the brilliance of her plan. And it is really, unfortunately, the sad sad state of our culture.

Jasmine Tridevil’s site is linked to a woman who was charged with fraud in the past. Snopes also reports that Tridevil’s domain is registered to Alisha Hessler, who runs a “massage parlor” in Florida called Golden Touch which boasts that it is a “provider of Internet hoaxes since 2014” and a “specialist in massage for three-breasted women.” (source)

So I will look forward to finding out down the road if this is just a flim-flam that will eventually be discovered as false, or if this woman is indeed so starved for attention that she spent $20,000 just for people to ogle at her. She doesn’t care if the attention is good or bad. Media buzz equals money, and that is really the bottom line for Jasmine Tridevil.

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