Ford, still in Honolulu, somehow manages to find that little boy’s parents at some random relief station filled with probably thousands of people. Oh well, at least that ponderous storyline is finally over. Ford then manages to get on a Navy plane that is on its way to the mainland, and then also gets himself assigned to the nuclear transport group. Let me suspend disbelief for one second and assume that someone somewhere checked Ford out to make sure that he really is who/what he claims. Because I would hate to think that I could stroll up to the military during a disaster, wearing civvies, carrying no military ID, and introduce myself as Lieutenant So-and-So and immediately be welcomed into the ranks. Apparently Ford is an EOD and has expertise that not a single person in a unit tasked with transporting and operating nuclear weapons could possibly have. Moving right along…
…to the train. I am astounded that with all the might of the military, these nuclear weapons are being transported by freight train! I can’t…I just can’t…
So, the nuclear ordnance transport is on their way, the train making good time, when all of a sudden the ground shakes and they stop right in front of a tunnel. All they hear are screams over the radio when they try to raise the advance team, so that is not a good sign. They utter the “let’s get a visual” words, and then proceed with their tiny flashlights to try to illuminate a raised bridge shrouded by fog. One group scrambles down below to see if the bridge is okay while the other group tiptoes across the tracks at the top. Now, I am not ashamed to admit that this bridge scene was well-done and intense, even though I could guess what might happen.
She-MUTO appears. The two soldiers on top of the bridge lay down flat, presumably to remain as hidden as possible. However, inexplicably, one of them is still shining the flashlight on his weapon around. I probably don’t have to even tell you that she-MUTO basically destroys the bridge, kills everyone except our main man Ford, and sucks down one of the nukes. Ford manages to survive by leaping probably 100 feet down into a shallow river just in the nick of time.